Showing posts with label organic. Show all posts

Plastic-Free Shopping Guide

In our modern world, it is easy to get stuck in a fast-paced lifestyle that offers immediate convenience with single-use items, such as plastic bags, plastic straws, or takeout cups.  Every year, 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide; this means 2 million plastic bags are used each minute (Earth Policy Institute).  Almost every shop we visit provides some kinds of mass-produced plastic products that can be effortlessly thrown away after one use.  Imagine the other side of the picture, where do all of these single-use items go if they can't be recycled: landfills.  Sadly, this makes many of us hard to believe that our world was once plastic-free.

Strawberry Picking

Since it is now the peak season of strawberries, I decided to drive down to Tanaka Farm today to pick up some fresh strawberries and check out their farmers market.  April is probably the ideal time to harvest strawberries in California.  The moderate temperature with warm sun during daytime and cool air during nighttime is a perfect condition for growing strawberries. For breakfast, I always add fresh berries to my oatmeal, cereal, or crepe.  Strawberries are extremely nutritious fruits.  They are full of Vitamin C, great sources of dietary fiber, and high in antioxidants.  Strawberries are one of my most favourite fruits on earth!

Natural Beauty Oil Products

Hi everyone, I hope you've had a great and adventurous weekend!  Today, I am very excited to share with you my favourite oil products for a good skincare/haircare routine.  I have narrowed down my oil list to six products, and all of them are natural beauty products.  To be honest, I have used more unnatural beauty products than the natural ones in the past, especially for makeup products...  However, I am slowly changing my skincare routine and switching to use more natural beauty products to my daily routine.  I fairly believe that putting natural ingredients on your face or body will bring more benefits than using chemicals on yourself!  Not only so, natural products are a good balance among beauty, environment-friendly, and well- being.  I will continue to share with you guys my experience using natural beauty products in the near future, meanwhile, let's check out my favourite oil products!